Tacoma/Olympia Region

Welcome to Coding with Kids!
With our headquarters located in Redmond, WA, the Tacoma/Olympia area is close to the Coding with Kids' home base. We have held classes in Olympia, Tacoma, Puyallup, Federal Way, Sea-Tac and Burien. Our traveling instructors have been bringing After-school Programs to the area since our foundation in early 2014. If your child's school is not participating in our program, feel free to reach out to us and we will take it from there!

In addition to our after-school classes, we want to mention our busiest season of the year, the summer break! Summer Camps are a great opportunity for young coders to try new things and we have so many options ready for ages 5-18! Registration for summer programs opens as soon as January-February --- if not locally, then on-line, via a LIVE video conference. Check them out!

Let us know if you have any questions at all, we have an amazing team who are here to help and cannot wait to see you soon! Let's code!
Primary contact manager's photo

Rebecca Battat

Instructor Care Manager
School building
- Live Online -

Enrichment classes are an online version of after-school classes. They meet once a week for several weeks and explore different coding subjects. Great to learn new tricks, build new types of projects, and practice coding! Enrichment classes meet in small groups of max. 8 students.

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Graduation hat
- Live Online -

Join a small group class from home, via a LIVE video conference! The Online Premium Classes follow our Coder’s Ladder curriculum for ages 5-18. Enrollment is open year-round and students are welcome to join at any age or experience level. Check it out now!

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Graduation hat
- Live Online -

Join a small group camp from home, via a LIVE video conference! Camps are a great opportunity to try and learn something new. How about creating your own Minecraft Mods or a Roblox game? Or taking on 3D game development in Unity? The choice is yours!

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